Saturday, October 20, 2012

Question #7-Sherlock Holmes

Dear Consulting Bloggers,
*Sigh*. Where do I start? Well, we might as well get it over with: I'm afraid of growing up. Lame, lame, I know, I know. But it's true. Hearing all about the (Presidential) election coming up this November, and hearing my older sister talk about college . . . well, I'm scared. That I'll make a wrong decision or something and end up breaking. You might as well call me Peter Pan. I mean, I see a lot of adults who are/were successful, but then I see people like Lindsay Lohan and Charlie Sheen and I'm scared I'll end up like them. (Not that I'm planning on doing drugs/going into the acting business.) Is there any advice that you can give me to overcome this fear? Oh, and did I mention I'm 12? -H.G.
Stop it. You don't need to be scared. It's irrational. I have the feeling you won't be like Lindsey Lohan. And you can't be like Charlie Sheen-you're a girl.
Good day,

Question #7-John Watson

“Dear Consulting Bloggers,

*Sigh*. Where do I start? Well, we might as well get it over with: I'm afraid of growing up. Lame, lame, I know, I know. But it's true. Hearing all about the (Presidential) election coming up this November, and hearing my older sister talk about college . . . well, I'm scared. That I'll make a wrong decision or something and end up breaking. You might as well call me Peter Pan. I mean, I see a lot of adults who are/were successful, but then I see people like Lindsay Lohan and Charlie Sheen and I'm scared I'll end up like them. (Not that I'm planning on doing drugs/going into the acting business.) Is there any advice that you can give me to overcome this fear? Oh, and did I mention I'm 12? -H.G.”  

Dear H.G.

Well, “Peter,” this is not an unusual feeling to get. Typically, the younger you are the older you want to be, and the older you are the younger you want to be. Take nap time in preschool for example: who didn’t hate nap time? Why waste precious daytime when you could be finger-painting a masterpiece or running through puddles in the rain? But the older you get, the more you don’t have time for extra sleep, the more you want it. All I can say is, enjoy the time you have now. By worrying about tomorrow, you’ll find you wasted today away, just like you wasted nap time away. If you enjoy today, then tomorrow you can look back and smile. Or, if you’re going through a harder time, you can look back later and see that you made it through, even when it seemed like the dark times would never end.

As for the actors you mentioned (Lindsey and Charlie) do you want to know why they ended up like they did? They worried. They worried about what everyone else was thinking about them: this is peer pressure. (Middle school and high school are the worst times regarding peer pressure. I think anyone who has lived through those times will agree.) Don’t cave in. Choose your friends wisely.

Regarding success…as Albert Schweitzer once said: “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” In other words, don’t focus on being successful. So many people nowadays forget about what really matters and instead focus on working towards their goal (money, which is what is considered being successful nowadays). Watch this video
Lost Generation Is this not amazing? What I want you to get from that video is this: do not focus on “succeeding” in the sense that money is good. Succeed in whatever makes you happy (remember the Albert Schweitzer quote?) there are many people who never wanted to grow up, and guess where they work now? They work with Pixar. They work at Walt Disney World. They are happy, and not because they make lots and lots of money (although I am sure they have a very nice paycheck) but they are happy because they are doing what they love and re-living their childhood. You do have to become an adult, but that doesn’t mean you have to grow up.

And er, one more thing: based on studies that have been done over the years, chances are that when the time comes for you to go off to college, you will be more than ready. When the time comes for you to leave home and get a job to buy a car, you will be more than ready. I have met many people who, like you, were afraid to grow up-they did not want to go to college or start moving out. However, by the time college neared, they could not wait to move on with their life and become an adult. This does not mean they do not still enjoy things from their childhood, it just means that when the time came, they were ready to become an adult. For you, you have close to 5 or 6 years before college will be knocking on your door. A lot can change in that time. Who knows, you may even be excited to start researching colleges, discover what major you wish to pursue, all of that.

Remember: you can mature but not grow up, and you can also (like our dear friend Sherlock) grow up but not mature.

Have a wonderful day, H.G.

--Dr. John Watson

Monday, October 1, 2012

Question #6-John Watson

“Dear Consulting Bloggers,

I'm almost at the time where I'm going to send college applications. But there's one problem: my parents don't exactly support what I want to be. For the past three years, I've really, really wanted to be an actress, that's the job I want to do. I love acting. But my parents want me to be something else, something that guarantees good payment, like a doctor or a lawyer. They disapprove of my dream to be an actress, even though I tell them it's what I love doing. Is there anything I can do to change their mind? Should I continue and live to be an actress, regardless of what my parents think? -M.T.”



Dear M.T-

While I do not want you to go against your parents’ wishes, and I can most certainly understand where they are coming from, I truly believe that this is your life. Eventually, you will be living on your own, as an adult, without your parents around, and you will be the one making all the decisions, without their help (well maybe once or twice, but you cannot consult them on every problem you have as an adult) and now is the time to learn good decision-making skills. However, you are also living in your parents’ home and must also listen to the people who care and provide for you.

You said your parents want you to explore another profession other than an actress, “something that guarantees good payment, like a doctor or a lawyer.” Might I point out that I myself am a doctor, and in my years of being a doctor, I have been shot during the war, and I am currently partnered with a Consulting Detective? (Do you know how much Sherlock gets paid? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. He enjoys it, and he has so many connections from past mysteries he’s solved, he can afford to keep a home and food. Granted, he usually makes me buy the food, but that’s beyond the point.) All those years of Med school, and here I am, frantically looking for a job that I can work in between Sherlock’s mysteries. While he may have connections, I do not.

And er, last time I checked, actors and actresses got paid pretty decently. Are your parents worried that you won’t be able to succeed in the acting business? Is that why they are pushing for you to explore other options?

I say go for acting, and if that doesn’t work out, try something else. Not all actors are in films, you know. I love the theatre, myself, and there is certainly a much higher chance that you can appear on Broadway or Skakespeare, or something along those lines. (And, by doing this, the people who are searching for actors with talent will see you perform, and who knows, they might even offer you an opportunity to try out for a film? In fact, that movie that those young girls like…oh, what’s it called…it’s the new Disney Princess film…Rapunzel, is it? Anyway, the villain from that film was actually voiced by a Broadway actress. So you never know.)

Talk to your parents. Explain to them that maybe you’ll try acting and if that doesn’t work out, you’ll try your luck at being a lawyer or a doctor. College is your choice; however, parental support is also important.

Good luck!

--Dr. John Watson


Question #6-Sherlock Holmes

I couldn't get a picture to load. .. odd.

Dear Consulting Bloggers,
I'm almost at the time where I'm going to send college applications. But there's one problem: my parents don't exactly support what I want to be. For the past three years, I've really, really wanted to be an actress, that's the job I want to do. I love acting. But my parents want me to be something else, something that guarantees good payment, like a doctor or a lawyer. They disapprove of my dream to be an actress, even though I tell them it's what I love doing. Is there anything I can do to change their mind? Should I continue and live to be an actress, regardless of what my parents think?
Go ahead and be an actress. They always say you can be anything you want to. I became the world's only consulting detective-just like I wanted. I suggest you get a job, though, because there's no way you'll jump right into acting. Get a job to help you get settled, become an actress, and do what you feel is right.

Good day,


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Question #5-John Watson

“Dear Consulting Bloggers,

There's these mean chicks at my school who keep trying to steal our-my friends and I- lunch table. They called us cuss words and yelled when we wouldn't leave, even though it's our table and we've sat there every day! Should we get the admin involved? -T.B.”



Dear T.B.

The teenage years are some of the most difficult. Ask anywhere who’s been there-they’ll tell you that.

Now, here is my honest opinion (although it is just an opinion, because, quite frankly, you’re girls. I am male. Need I say more?) the reason these girls are pestering you is because you’re letting them. They can see that what they are doing is irritating you, and that gives them a feeling of power. If you can find a way to show them that they have no control in your life and that you don’t care about this lunch table situation, they’ll get bored eventually stop and move on (however, I will warn you: it will get worse before it gets better. They’ll start to get desperate after awhile, and then, when you think they’ll never leave you alone, they will.) Have you tried sitting at a different table before they get there? Is there something special about this table that makes them want it, too, or is it just an opportunity to get under your skin? Or, if that doesn’t work, ask them why they want that table. People don’t like other people standing up to them. Chances are, this will fluster them and throw them off their guard for a moment or two. Honestly, I don’t know what to tell you, other than trial and error. If this continues, tell your parents, who can deal with this accordingly. But chances are that if an adult stops them from stealing your lunch table, then these girls will only find another way to mess with you and your friends because they like the feeling of power it gives them, and at one point or another you have to find a way to let them know that they are not in control of you or your feelings.

Good luck!

--Dr. John Watson


Question #5-Sherlock Holmes

Dear Consulting Bloggers,
There's these mean chicks at my school who keep trying to steal our-my friends and I- lunch table. They called us cuss words and yelled when we wouldn't leave, even though it's our table and we've sat there every day! Should we get the admin involved?


Ignore them. Sit there. Ignore them. It may be hard, but it will eventually make them leave.

Good day,


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Question #4-Sherlock Holmes

Dear Consulting Bloggers,
I think I may be developing an eating disorder. I feel fat, even though everyone tells me I'm not, and lately I've been eating less and less. I'm scared to tell anyone cos of what they would think of me if they knew. Please help me I don't know what to do!


John will yell at me if I answer bluntly, so I’ll be as kind as possible.
Most people tend to feel fat no matter what. It’s a rather sad thing, honestly. If people don’t think you’re fat, you probably aren’t(or they all have perception issues).
Eating less is fine. As long as you eat. You may reach a point where eating makes you feel so sick, and that’s when you need to talk to your legal guardian/parent so they can get you to specialist.
I hope this came off as kind. Happy, John?
Good day


Question #4-John Watson

“Dear Consulting Bloggers,

I think I may be developing an eating disorder. I feel fat, even though everyone tells me I'm not, and lately I've been eating less and less. I'm scared to tell anyone cos of what they would think of me if they knew. Please help me I don't know what to do! -S.L.”


My advice for you depends on what the causes of your feelings are. For most people, it is said to be likely inherent biological factors and a person's social environment play a major role in anorexia. Also, puberty, abuse (rather from home or at school, verbal or physical) relationship issues, and other stress in your life may factor in. Is someone at school saying nasty things about your weight? Are you from a broken home? Are you acting out of hurt from an ex-boyfriend who broke up with you? There are many possible reasons for you to head towards anorexia, and there are other ways to deal with the hurt.

Of course, you can be anorexic without not eating. Basically, any form of unhealthy self-induced weight loss can be considered anorexia nervosa. This includes fasting, low food intake, excessive exercise, diet pills, or vomiting. Side effects of anorexia nervosa include feeling bloated, tired, cold, and stomach pains.

I don’t think, based on what you’ve told me, that your problem has developed this far, but in severe cases of anorexia, you can become chronically ill or possibly even die. You can develop osteoporosis (a disease developed from having fragile bones) and Malnutrition (causes an increase in respiratory infections, kidney failure, blindness, heart attack and death) as well as damage to the heart, liver, kidneys, and your brain. In fact, you may start to find it difficult to concentrate and find yourself experiencing mental health problems like depression and thoughts of suicide. Other side effects may include dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, cancer, infertility, hair loss, paralysis, low blood pressure, slow heart rate, muscle loss & weakness, dry skin, fainting, dizziness, seizures, amenorrhea, hormonal imbalances, bruising easily, problems with your immune system, as well as much, much more. Oftentimes, you will feel weak and may end up losing interest in socializing with your friends.

A person may switch from one eating disorder to the next: for example, if you are a Compulsive Overeater, you may switch to anorexia, then to bulimia, then to anorexia, and so on and so forth.

--Dr. John Watson


Saturday, August 18, 2012

Question #3-Sherlock Holmes

Dear Consulting Bloggers,
I want to mkae more friends. I don't have a whole lot at school. Do you have an advice for making some?


It's 'make'.
You don't need friends. I've spent most of my life without them(makes for too much stupid). However, if you're one of those people who doesn't know what's really important, I'll give you advice; talk to people. Really, it's not that hard.


Question #3-John Watson

“Dear Consulting Bloggers,
I want to make more friends. I don't have a whole lot at school. Do you have any advice for making some? -KP”

Dear KP-

(This may be confusing, and if it is, I apologize. Sherlock kept me up last night shooting the wall again.)

The teen and pre-teen years can be exceptionally hard when it comes to friendships. My advice for you would be just get a conversation going with someone you think would be a good friend. Maybe someone who sits next to you in history class. Or maybe find someone who sits alone during lunch, and sit with them. Sounds easy, doesn’t it? Problem is, it isn’t always, especially if you’re an introvert rather than an extrovert (shy as opposed to outgoing and friendly). A good way to start conversation is to introduce yourself. Simply a “Hey” or “Hello” works to begin with. If it’s lunchtime, maybe ask if you can join that person. Next, I suggest a compliment. Comment on their clothing or anything else you notice about that person that you like. Then tell them your name (if they don’t already know your name) and, if you don’t already know their name, ask them what their name is. If you do know what their name is, ask them, “So-and-so, right?” so that a) you don’t sound like a stalker and b) you don’t seem like a know-it-all. After you know each other’s names, that’s when things usually hit a dead end. However, this doesn’t have to happen. Ask questions. Get the other person talking. Because you started the conversation and don’t just sit there saying nothing, the other person will think you’re friendly and will feel more open towards you, and all you have to do is ask questions. If you’re in history class (or any class) comment about the homework or ask how they like the class. Ask what their favorite subject is in school. Just keep asking questions that will let you get to know this person better. When you’re passing someone in the hall, smile at them. Anything to let the other person know that you want to be on friendly terms with them.

Another word of advice before I end: choose your friends wisely. Oftentimes we become who are friends are, even if we’re nothing like them to begin with. If we choose friends who end up being drug users and we are therefore hanging around that type of behavior all the time, we start to think that it’s an okay lifestyle. Then we think, “Well, I might just try it once.” And then things go downhill. (I chose an extreme example, and drug users are not the only problem people out there. There are also the people who text in class right in front of the teacher because they don’t even care what the teacher thinks and who never do their homework. You don’t want to end up like that, either.) Think of it this way-you are standing on a chair, and the other person is standing on the ground. Is it easier for you to pull them up onto the chair or easier for them to pull you down from the chair? Even if you’re fighting to stay on the chair and they’re not fighting you when you pull them up onto the chair, it’s much easier for them to pull you down, isn’t it? So I end with this again: choose your friends wisely.

Good luck,

--Dr. John Watson

Friday, August 10, 2012

Question #2-John Watson

“Dear Consulting Bloggers-
Okay so at my school i'm in 8th grade and i've been going there since 6th grace (duh :P) in 6th grade i met new people from the other elementary schools in our area that were know in our "smart class" yes ima nerd if you needed to know......but thats beside the in 6th grade this guy one day told me that this other guy "andrew" liked me and wanted to go out with me.....i told him "i don't think so" and then the rest of the class the dude was crying later that day....a couple of people that i hung around (that i shouldn't have....i was in the bad crowd in 6th grade :P) told me that i SHOULD SAY YES....problem...i didn't like him....problem 2.....he wasn't actually crying about my i go into 7th grade knowing that it was a joke...or i had made it up....i really don't know 7th grade...he would talk to me alot (sometimes flirting...i really couldn't tell) and one time he told me i was his best friend when i gave him a lollipop....also that year....i was on an academic team....and so was was after school and sometimes the instructor would be late to show up.....which happened often ;) time i stole his tissue box (well it wasn't his but whatever) and then he and another guy started chasing me....eventually the other guy gave up and then the guy i've been talking about chased me into a closet where i stood on a desk for 2 minutes trying to make sure he was gone..when i thought he was gone i walked out but he scared my half to death cuz he was standing outside the door and yelled "BOO" so yeah.....also he flirted with a lot of girls in our class and ones older than he's not a player....hes only dated twice i think.....and hes a total nerd cuz he's taking college math in 8th grade :P one point when the LMFAO song sexy and i know song was popular at our school i was sitting in the computer lab and he and his friend were sitting diagonal from me....then his friend told me that "Andrew wants to know if you think he's sexy" i was!!!! it was yeah at one point i think he did like me and it was obvious so i told aubree my friend that i though he liked her so the awkwardness left me and went to 8th grade...this year.....he apparently is now besties with this girl in our class (why i dunno) and they do everything my class i'm one of the class clowns (more just like the weird random one) and people always ask me if i do drugs (lol :P...dont worry i don't) and i clear my throat accesively......snort when i laugh...laugh randomly and call my friends zanadu, ziplock, worm, and and crouton also randomly shout sacajawea during class....but anyways...whenever i do something the guy is always saying something like "oh its olivia again" and today during science (he doesn't flirt with me much anymore but occasionally he does) he threw his pencil at me it was almost time for the bell to i crawled outta my desk and sat on the floor and colored the pencil black with my sharpie and then i started smelling it and saying "this smells like an oreo" and of course for the rest of the 10 minutes of class all you can hear him say is "so THATS what Olivia's on" ......yeahh.....and last year....we would like have weird fights in the i'd slap him with a slap of printer paper then he would like start to kick me/grab the paper from me which equaled putting his arms around yeahh...but that last part was last year......and the thing is....the dude...i swear...has more mood swings than a FREAKING one day he flirts with me...the next he ignores me

SO anyways....that really was just a rant....not a question....OOppps...sorry...okay so i just wanted to know what y'all thought about the situation :))))
sorry if that was too i said i was ranting

Dear O.H.S-

Well, for starters, thank you for coming to us with your problem. We are very much obliged. As for your problem (which I’m still not entirely sure what it is) I think that this, uh, Andrew likes you. This is my opinion: I don’t think he really believes you’re on drugs, I think he just wants your attention (which he’s gotten). Now, if your problem is how to avoid him, I’m afraid I can’t be much help. When a guy likes a girl, he can become relentless (we’ve all been there, I can assure you, and we make some pretty stupid mistakes, needless to say). Just don’t be the one to make contact with him, for example, if you see him in the hallway, don’t be the one to start a conversation and don’t text him first or anything like that. Give him subtle hints that you would like some space away from him.

I wish you the best of luck,

--Dr. John Watson

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Question #2-Sherlock Holmes

Dear Consulting Bloggers, 

 okay so at my school i'm in 8th grade and i've been going there since 6th grace (duh :P) in 6th grade i met new people from the other elementary schools in our area that were know in our "smart class" yes ima nerd if you needed to know......but thats beside the in 6th grade this guy one day told me that this other guy "andrew" liked me and wanted to go out with me.....i told him "i don't think so" and then the rest of the class the dude was crying later that day....a couple of people that i hung around (that i shouldn't have....i was in the bad crowd in 6th grade :P) told me that i SHOULD SAY YES....problem...i didn't like him....problem 2.....he wasn't actually crying about my i go into 7th grade knowing that it was a joke...or i had made it up....i really don't know 7th grade...he would talk to me alot (sometimes flirting...i really couldn't tell) and one time he told me i was his best friend when i gave him a lollipop....also that year....i was on an academic team....and so was was after school and sometimes the instructor would be late to show up.....which happened often ;) time i stole his tissue box (well it wasn't his but whatever) and then he and another guy started chasing me....eventually the other guy gave up and then the guy i've been talking about chased me into a closet where i stood on a desk for 2 minutes trying to make sure he was gone..when i thought he was gone i walked out but he scared my half to death cuz he was standing outside the door and yelled "BOO" so yeah.....also he flirted with a lot of girls in our class and ones older than he's not a player....hes only dated twice i think.....and hes a total nerd cuz he's taking college math in 8th grade :P one point when the LMFAO song sexy and i know song was popular at our school i was sitting in the computer lab and he and his friend were sitting diagonal from me....then his friend told me that "Andrew wants to know if you think he's sexy" i was!!!! it was yeah at one point i think he did like me and it was obvious so i told aubree my friend that i though he liked her so the awkwardness left me and went to 8th grade...this year.....he apparently is now besties with this girl in our class (why i dunno) and they do everything my class i'm one of the class clowns (more just like the weird random one) and people always ask me if i do drugs (lol :P...dont worry i don't) and i clear my throat accesively......snort when i laugh...laugh randomly and call my friends zanadu, ziplock, worm, and and crouton also randomly shout sacajawea during class....but anyways...whenever i do something the guy is always saying something like "oh its olivia again" and today during science (he doesn't flirt with me much anymore but occasionally he does) he threw his pencil at me it was almost time for the bell to i crawled outta my desk and sat on the floor and colored the pencil black with my sharpie and then i started smelling it and saying "this smells like an oreo" and of course for the rest of the 10 minutes of class all you can hear him say is "so THATS what Olivia's on" ......yeahh.....and last year....we would like have weird fights in the i'd slap him with a slap of printer paper then he would like start to kick me/grab the paper from me which equaled putting his arms around yeahh...but that last part was last year......and the thing is....the dude...i swear...has more mood swings than a FREAKING one day he flirts with me...the next he ignores me

SO anyways....that really was just a rant....not a question....OOppps...sorry...okay so i just wanted to know what y'all thought about the situation :)))) 

sorry if that was too i said i was ranting  



Your message is frustratingly devoid of capitalization, not to mention lots of run-on sentences. Despite this, I will attempt to help you.  
Your post is confusing, but from what I can tell: 
-He used to like you.  
-He's unsure whether he likes you now. 
-He may have been a girl once. 
The last one is a possibility. As, for the most part, girls are much more clever than boys. 
Furthermore, he has mood swings. Not an uncommon trait with boys, but if they're THAT bad. . .
You're rather defensive of him. He's obviously a player, or he wants to be one, but he's too awkward or unappealing and the girls don't like him. So you've got a super-genius player who's unstable and possibly bipolar former girl. . .or you're dealing with a middle school boy. In all honesty, thinking that he's actually doing something like what you're suggesting is dumb. You are in eighth grade. No eighth grade boy has never and will never act much differently than your Andrew. If he acts like this in twelfth grade, I'll give more thought to it. 

 Good day, 


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Question #1-Sherlock Holmes

"Dear Consulting Bloggers,
I have liked a guy for some time now, but he doesn't seem to notice me. When he commented on the fact that I changed my hair, I thought he might like me back, but I'm pretty sure he's in love with...someone else. What can I do? --M.H"


Please. He likes you. Its painfully obvious
For one, he noticed your hair. Unless he's brilliant-which I highly doubt-he probably would not have noticed that you changed your hairdo.
Secondly, this other woman. Obviously, he's trying to make you jealous. Such is the way of desperate men. I'll bet you he found some prostitute and paid her to flirt/date him and make you jealous.
Yes, he definently likes you.

Good day,


Question #1-John Watson

"Dear Consulting Bloggers,
I have liked a guy for some time now, but he doesn't seem to notice me. When he commented on the fact that I changed my hair, I thought he might like me back, but I'm pretty sure he's in love with...someone else. What can I do? --M.H"

Dear M.H-

I am sorry that this guy you like doesn’t see the wonderful person you are. He obviously doesn’t deserve to be with someone like you. Now, as for “What can I do?” you have two options: one, you can try and move on. Or, your second option, you can make him notice you. Find out what sort of things he likes. What is it about this other woman that is so appealing to him? However, if this second option fails, the only thing left is to forget about this guy and move on. I’m sure there’s someone out there in the same boat as you, just waiting for the right girl to notice them. Just wait and see, someday your prince charming will come along and sweep you off your feet, and you’ll forget all about this other guy. I wish you the best of luck and I hope everything goes well!

--Dr. John Watson

Monday, August 6, 2012

Introduction-Sherlock Holmes

To whom it may concern,

 Let me guess; you have problems.
 Because John thinks I spend too much time harpooning dead pigs and frying human heads, he says I ought to do something else with my time. As soon as I said I would like to start a blog, he went mad over the idea. So, I suppose, I'm doing a joint blog with John, giving advice to the blockheads of the world.
No, John, let them take what I say to heart. It's the truth.
Be patient with us. No nagging. And, if you will, make sure your requests are interesting.

Good day,


PS-Your boyfriend is cheating on you. Just so you know.

Introduction-John Watson

To our devoted followers-

I am starting this blog because my friend, Sherlock Holmes, informed me that he would be starting a blog that would "help" people. Knowing what Sherlock's definition of "help" is, I decided to start one of my own. As many of you know, Sherlock tends to be...well...he doesn't always think about people's feelings and therefore his responses may sometimes be-to phrase it with the utmost of respect-out of line. Don't always take what my friend says to heart, he means well, he really does-he just wasn't born with his fair share of, shall we say, people skills.

Sherlock and I will try to answer all of your questions as quickly as possible, but if you don't see an answer right away, don't give up-I can assure you, we will get to yours sooner or later.

--Dr. John Watson