Friday, August 10, 2012

Question #2-John Watson

“Dear Consulting Bloggers-
Okay so at my school i'm in 8th grade and i've been going there since 6th grace (duh :P) in 6th grade i met new people from the other elementary schools in our area that were know in our "smart class" yes ima nerd if you needed to know......but thats beside the in 6th grade this guy one day told me that this other guy "andrew" liked me and wanted to go out with me.....i told him "i don't think so" and then the rest of the class the dude was crying later that day....a couple of people that i hung around (that i shouldn't have....i was in the bad crowd in 6th grade :P) told me that i SHOULD SAY YES....problem...i didn't like him....problem 2.....he wasn't actually crying about my i go into 7th grade knowing that it was a joke...or i had made it up....i really don't know 7th grade...he would talk to me alot (sometimes flirting...i really couldn't tell) and one time he told me i was his best friend when i gave him a lollipop....also that year....i was on an academic team....and so was was after school and sometimes the instructor would be late to show up.....which happened often ;) time i stole his tissue box (well it wasn't his but whatever) and then he and another guy started chasing me....eventually the other guy gave up and then the guy i've been talking about chased me into a closet where i stood on a desk for 2 minutes trying to make sure he was gone..when i thought he was gone i walked out but he scared my half to death cuz he was standing outside the door and yelled "BOO" so yeah.....also he flirted with a lot of girls in our class and ones older than he's not a player....hes only dated twice i think.....and hes a total nerd cuz he's taking college math in 8th grade :P one point when the LMFAO song sexy and i know song was popular at our school i was sitting in the computer lab and he and his friend were sitting diagonal from me....then his friend told me that "Andrew wants to know if you think he's sexy" i was!!!! it was yeah at one point i think he did like me and it was obvious so i told aubree my friend that i though he liked her so the awkwardness left me and went to 8th grade...this year.....he apparently is now besties with this girl in our class (why i dunno) and they do everything my class i'm one of the class clowns (more just like the weird random one) and people always ask me if i do drugs (lol :P...dont worry i don't) and i clear my throat accesively......snort when i laugh...laugh randomly and call my friends zanadu, ziplock, worm, and and crouton also randomly shout sacajawea during class....but anyways...whenever i do something the guy is always saying something like "oh its olivia again" and today during science (he doesn't flirt with me much anymore but occasionally he does) he threw his pencil at me it was almost time for the bell to i crawled outta my desk and sat on the floor and colored the pencil black with my sharpie and then i started smelling it and saying "this smells like an oreo" and of course for the rest of the 10 minutes of class all you can hear him say is "so THATS what Olivia's on" ......yeahh.....and last year....we would like have weird fights in the i'd slap him with a slap of printer paper then he would like start to kick me/grab the paper from me which equaled putting his arms around yeahh...but that last part was last year......and the thing is....the dude...i swear...has more mood swings than a FREAKING one day he flirts with me...the next he ignores me

SO anyways....that really was just a rant....not a question....OOppps...sorry...okay so i just wanted to know what y'all thought about the situation :))))
sorry if that was too i said i was ranting

Dear O.H.S-

Well, for starters, thank you for coming to us with your problem. We are very much obliged. As for your problem (which I’m still not entirely sure what it is) I think that this, uh, Andrew likes you. This is my opinion: I don’t think he really believes you’re on drugs, I think he just wants your attention (which he’s gotten). Now, if your problem is how to avoid him, I’m afraid I can’t be much help. When a guy likes a girl, he can become relentless (we’ve all been there, I can assure you, and we make some pretty stupid mistakes, needless to say). Just don’t be the one to make contact with him, for example, if you see him in the hallway, don’t be the one to start a conversation and don’t text him first or anything like that. Give him subtle hints that you would like some space away from him.

I wish you the best of luck,

--Dr. John Watson


  1. I must say. . .you actually just gave some good advice.


    1. I'm sorry, are you feeling okay? You just gave me a compliment...
      --John Watson
