Thursday, August 23, 2012

Question #4-Sherlock Holmes

Dear Consulting Bloggers,
I think I may be developing an eating disorder. I feel fat, even though everyone tells me I'm not, and lately I've been eating less and less. I'm scared to tell anyone cos of what they would think of me if they knew. Please help me I don't know what to do!


John will yell at me if I answer bluntly, so I’ll be as kind as possible.
Most people tend to feel fat no matter what. It’s a rather sad thing, honestly. If people don’t think you’re fat, you probably aren’t(or they all have perception issues).
Eating less is fine. As long as you eat. You may reach a point where eating makes you feel so sick, and that’s when you need to talk to your legal guardian/parent so they can get you to specialist.
I hope this came off as kind. Happy, John?
Good day



  1. Very good, Sherlock. That was a very kind and respectful response. Now, was that so hard?
    --John Watson

    1. Yes, good, now if you could just treat Molly and all the girls I've dated with that same kindness...
