Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Question #1-John Watson

"Dear Consulting Bloggers,
I have liked a guy for some time now, but he doesn't seem to notice me. When he commented on the fact that I changed my hair, I thought he might like me back, but I'm pretty sure he's in love with...someone else. What can I do? --M.H"

Dear M.H-

I am sorry that this guy you like doesn’t see the wonderful person you are. He obviously doesn’t deserve to be with someone like you. Now, as for “What can I do?” you have two options: one, you can try and move on. Or, your second option, you can make him notice you. Find out what sort of things he likes. What is it about this other woman that is so appealing to him? However, if this second option fails, the only thing left is to forget about this guy and move on. I’m sure there’s someone out there in the same boat as you, just waiting for the right girl to notice them. Just wait and see, someday your prince charming will come along and sweep you off your feet, and you’ll forget all about this other guy. I wish you the best of luck and I hope everything goes well!

--Dr. John Watson


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, miss Olivia! :) We appreciate it very much!
      --John Watson

    2. Oh, yes, very much indeed. Now send a question to us before I shoot the wall again,


    3. Now Sherlock remember what happened the last time you shot the wall...
      --John Watson

    4. I remember. I don't see how it was so bad.


    5. Don't s-right, ah Sherlock, you do remember that you were almost killed by a bomb, don't you?
      --John Watson

    6. I've been in worse situations.


    7. Right good then you can pay to fix the stupid wall after you've shot it
      --John Watson

    8. mayb.....depends if i want the wall shot or not....i'll think about it.....:)

    9. Ah excuse me may I please make a suggestion? Yeah um you see I have to live with Sherlock when he's bored and I have to live in an apartment with a banged-up wall, so do you think that you could maybe help me avoid that scenario by any chance?
      --John Watson

  2. Replies
    1. Hang in there, Molly, your friends have got your back ;)
      --John Watson
