Saturday, March 23, 2013

Question #8 - John Watson

“Hi. Ok, first let me say I think you guys are AMAZING!
Now my question/thing...I fall in love, a lot. Not with guys I have met in real life, but with fictional characters. Whether it's Doctor Who, Narnia, LOTR/The Hobbit, Psych, or this other British crime drama that you guys have probably never heard of (XP). I fall in love with one of the characters (and sometimes the actors who play them. Even if they are 42/44, and married, with a kid. Because they're so awesome!). I have never fallen in love with a real person that I actually know. Is this normal? Or even safe? (I'm 14, almost 15 by the way.) Thanks. And again, you guys are AMAZING!


Hello LH-

First off, thank you for your kind words. I think living with Sherlock for one day would lower your “amazing” opinion of him slightly, but that’s just me. (Brilliant deductions get old rather fast.)

Regarding your question, my personal opinion (and I’m a doctor, remember) is that you have entered another stage of your teenage years. Having feelings for these people is not uncommon. In fact, if you were to ask around in your school or likewise, I’m quite certain you will find that you are not alone. Their age or marriage status does not change things, either; in fact, when you think about it, it actually makes sense. Young boys your age have yet to fully mature (they are behind until their later years) and so, you are more attracted to a mature adult then an immature boy your age. (However, not all men reach a point of maturity; take Sherlock and his sheet for example--or Sherlock and anything, really.) I think that if you were to actually meet any one of those you have “fallen in love with” (as you put it) you might actually change your mind. Remember, no one is ever who they seem to be on the telly or even in real life, at first.

Thanks very much,
--Dr. John Watson


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