Thursday, September 6, 2012

Question #5-John Watson

“Dear Consulting Bloggers,

There's these mean chicks at my school who keep trying to steal our-my friends and I- lunch table. They called us cuss words and yelled when we wouldn't leave, even though it's our table and we've sat there every day! Should we get the admin involved? -T.B.”



Dear T.B.

The teenage years are some of the most difficult. Ask anywhere who’s been there-they’ll tell you that.

Now, here is my honest opinion (although it is just an opinion, because, quite frankly, you’re girls. I am male. Need I say more?) the reason these girls are pestering you is because you’re letting them. They can see that what they are doing is irritating you, and that gives them a feeling of power. If you can find a way to show them that they have no control in your life and that you don’t care about this lunch table situation, they’ll get bored eventually stop and move on (however, I will warn you: it will get worse before it gets better. They’ll start to get desperate after awhile, and then, when you think they’ll never leave you alone, they will.) Have you tried sitting at a different table before they get there? Is there something special about this table that makes them want it, too, or is it just an opportunity to get under your skin? Or, if that doesn’t work, ask them why they want that table. People don’t like other people standing up to them. Chances are, this will fluster them and throw them off their guard for a moment or two. Honestly, I don’t know what to tell you, other than trial and error. If this continues, tell your parents, who can deal with this accordingly. But chances are that if an adult stops them from stealing your lunch table, then these girls will only find another way to mess with you and your friends because they like the feeling of power it gives them, and at one point or another you have to find a way to let them know that they are not in control of you or your feelings.

Good luck!

--Dr. John Watson


Question #5-Sherlock Holmes

Dear Consulting Bloggers,
There's these mean chicks at my school who keep trying to steal our-my friends and I- lunch table. They called us cuss words and yelled when we wouldn't leave, even though it's our table and we've sat there every day! Should we get the admin involved?


Ignore them. Sit there. Ignore them. It may be hard, but it will eventually make them leave.

Good day,